Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week #6 In CEDO 550

Well, another class down on the path to the MEIT. This week we examined the different legal issues surrounding the implementation of virtual schools. Act 222 of 2007 established boundaries about what virtual schools in Wisconsin could look like and how they could behave.  You can read the audit findings that were called for in the legislation here  It is some pretty interesting stuff.  Virtual education is a hot button issue and everyone is trying to control the game it seems.  As access becomes more and more common and technology infrastructure becomes cheaper and cheaper it would stand to reason that virtual education will only grow at an exponential rate. We need to be on our toes to make sure that the growth is not too fast and not too hindered by unnecessary restraints.  What ever happens I feel that I am a little bit more prepared due to this class and its focus on the "hows" of online education.

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