Saturday, January 29, 2011

What I Learned from CEDO515

CEDO 515 was a class in which we took a look at a lot of stuff that I thought I knew all about: word processors, spreadsheets, presentations and calendars.  It was a fun to see how much I could learn about all of these things as well as quite a few barriers to technology implementation.  The high lights for me:
  • Group work: Mike and Chris you guys are awesome.  You've both got great ideas and have unique experiences that you are willing to share.  It might have been hard to get together some times, but you guys were great group members.
  • The graphics assignment: GoAnimate - my students love the program and have made several animated shorts with it.  It is a great program and I'm glad to have been exposed to it during this course.
  • Talking about proper tech usage - We cannot just throw tech at students and expect magic to happen.  This class was heavy into not only the hows of tech usage, but also why we need to implement tech in order to keep relevant to our students and our world.
 All in all it was a very successful class. Thanks to Louis and all of the other people that made this such a rousing success!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we can not just throw technology at the students and expect a great result. I have found out first hand when doing a brouchure project that there are many different levels of understanding and that there has to great forethought when planning a project. One of the lesson plans in the book really hit home, the What color are the Skittles (percentagles) lesson. I have done that one, and obviously, after reading the book, I did not have that one very well thought out. Lesson plans and targets (standards)are a critical part of using technology correctly.
