Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week #5 in CEdO530

This week we looked at how to grade multimedia projects.  This has been something that I have always had trouble with.  On one hand I have a checklist of what the students need to accomplish and if they complete those tasks they get full credit.  On the other hand I have always felt like some students who do the bare minimum are getting the same grade as students who really go above and beyond.  It has been very helpful to examine rubrics so that I can better create my grading criteria so that my grades can reflect this stratification of effort in my students.

Tomorrow I will be finishing my Pecha Kucha as over the past few days I have been doing "principle photography" with the help of a few coworkers.  I will be interested to see how it turns out and to see if my 1950's PSA feel comes through.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your point about grading multimedia. It is always hard to tell how to compare two pictures or two presentations. I think the key is to be very specific about what you think a good presentation should look like. Then you can rate each of those factors and decide if the students followed your guidance. Rubrics will definitely help you collect your thoughts.
