Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week #4 in CEDO 530 - Prezi & Pecha Kucha

This week (two actually) in CEDO 530 we looked at a multitude of new tools and wrapped up our books Presentation Zen and Digitales

In the books they dealt with tying everything together to actually give the talk or tell the story.  I thought it was neat that after the previous 3 weeks of prep work we were in the "get out there and do it" stage.  Both books have excellent tips for content creation and I look forward to applying it all to my classes.

One of the new tools that we used for content creation was Prezi (  This slick power point alternative has an easy to use interface and a very short learning curve.  I can see it as a great alternative to text heavy power points as it makes the words dance and move on the screen in a very interesting way.  You can check out my Prezi below:

We are also investigating Pecha Kucha on a topic of our choice.  I am killing two birds with one stone and putting together a beginning of the year presentation for the technology committee at my school. It might turn out campy and fun or it might turn out to be a mess.  We'll see how it turns out, but I really like the constraints as it gives me a great framework to create my presentation.

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