Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CEDO 530 Week #2

This week in CEDO 530 we are looking at presentations and how they are planned and how they can go awry.  We looked at Voice Thread a lot this week and you can see two small examples of my trying it out below:

Voice Threads seem to have a lot of use when commenting on presentations or pictures.  Our group had a fun time with playing with the software.

Also this week we needed to tie projects that we were doing or wanted to do to state and national standards.  You can see my project list below and also take a look at what standards I'm trying to hit. You can even see a description of the House Project that I ran last night and the Cardboard Boat Regatta I'm running tomorrow.


It was interesting how many different sets of standards my group members and I came up with to use in this project.  It makes me realize that while a large majority of the content of the standards is the same, we have a long way to go before we have one set of standards that everyone in the country uses exclusively.

Well, that is about it.  I'm off to 6 Flags for the annual "Physics Day" field trip.  I love being a teacher.

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