Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week #2 - Annotated Bibliographies, Website Reviews and More..

This week in CEDO520 we looked at internet learning resources and how to evaluate their usefulness. This was something that i wish I had more time to explore. There is a lot of my time that is spent trying to update old curriculum using technology and if I was better at determining the value of a source I could avoid that inevitable moment when I realize that all of the time and effort I put into the lesson was pretty much wasted due to the selection of a sub standard resource. Luckily one of our assignments was to create an evaluation tool. I really like mine since it comes out with a score to make side by side compairisons of tools easier and more fruitful. You can check it out here

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Starting CEDO520

This week we start up a new course called Internet Learning Resources.  In this first week we are learning to evaluate websites and the information contained inside them for relevancy and accuracy.  We were supposed to create a website evaluation form to check a website for un-due bias.  Here is what I came up with.  It has a little bit of a bias in it (I value scientific studies above academic ones), but overall it gets the students to think about where the information is coming from and what they must do to prevent getting duped by people who throw numbers around.