Sunday, October 17, 2010

Starting CEDO 510

One class down, quite a few more to go!  The course that I am in now is "Computer Systems: How They Work".  This should be a fun class to get to poke around in the machinery of computing for a little bit.  As a physics teacher I love to find out how things work at a ver low level.  I've built two computers from scratch (but neither was particularly well put together) and I've taken a little programming in college, but as for the true hardware / software interaction I am very much a neophyte.  This will be very useful as it looks like we are taking a nuts & bolts approach that will help me in the classroom to diagnose and "tech triage" the laptops my students are using.  I look forward to the class and hope that we can do some great stuff in digging around in a computer's guts.

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