This week we are putting together the foundations of our portfolios. It has been amazing to look back on all of the stuff we have done. It has been a great year and a half so far and I look forward to the next couple of steps in completing the course and portfolio.
In order to organize the portfolio we were asked to evaluate and choose a set of standards to base our portfolio around. For me I choose the NETS*T from ISTE. ISTE is the International Society for Technology in Education and the NETS*T are the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers. These five standards give a great baseline that I can use to better guide my work on the portfolio. You can read all about these standards at
We have also been working on a pretty cool project to get our students into creating portfolios with technology. I chose to create a project for my AP Physics students to create a portfolio that works with their reviewing of class material and provides them with proof that they learned college level physics in my class. It seems like such a win win, that I am a little embarrassed that I did not think of it before this point. Thank fully we had this course to push me in the right direction. It will be fun to see the project in action next year.